Friday 21 June 2013

microRNA and Cancer

A University of Colorado Cancer Center study in  Journal of Investigative Dermatology describes a new target and potential treatment for melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer. MicroRNA can decide which genes in a cell's DNA are expressed and which stay silent. Melanoma tends to lack microRNA-26a, which makes the gene SODD go silent.

Key Role of microRNAs in Melanoma Metastasis Identified

 Researchers at the NYU Cancer Institute, an NCI-designated cancer center at NYU Langone Medical Center, identified for the first time the key role specific microRNAs (miRNAs) play in melanoma metastasis to simultaneously cause cancer cells to invade and immunosuppress the human body's ability to fight abnormal cells.

Basic Mechanism Of Skin Cancer Development Illuminated

Manuela Baccarini, Professor for Cell Signalling at the Centre of Molecular Biology of the University of Vienna (Max F. Perutz Laboratories) and colleagues reveal the function of a protein in the Ras signalling pathway. Their findings provide the basis for research on novel therapeutic strategies in Ras-induced skin cancers, e.g. melanoma. The results of her work are published in the scientific journal Cancer Cell.


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microRNA sequencing

microRNA sequencing MicroRNA initially discovered in C. elegans , are newly identified class of non-protein-coding small (~20nt) R...